What if the main characters of Game of Thrones were actually the greatest heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe? As an avid watcher of Game of Thrones and an avid reader of comic books, I couldn’t help but notice a lot of similarities between certain characters. Below is a short list of a few characters that lead me to believe George R.R. Martin is a big comic book lover.
Robb Stark: Spider-Man a.k.a. Peter Parker
I don’t know if Robb Stark was ever a nerd. Probably not, but he definitely has a lot in common with Peter Parker. Stark is very close to his mother and Parker is very close to his aunt. They both seem willing to do anything for the maternal figures in their lives.
They both have shown unwavering loyalty, a force of will, bravery, strength, intelligence and are unswayed by temptation. Their lives both changed when their respective paternal figures were tragically killed. They spend a lot of time alone planning out their next fight and are basically the ultimate “good guys.”
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Jon Snow: Nova
Jon Snow and Nova started out as whiny little teenagers that made poor decisions to fight a battle that wasn’t theirs. Jon Snow was as a cocky showboat on the wall, while Nova was also pretty cocky and liked to banter during his early sparring. Both of them did a 180 and grew up rather quickly. Jon Snow, realizing he knew nothing, became a brooding yet steadfast warrior. Nova gets a scar, and all of a sudden he’s a dark and brooding hero, too.
Arya Stark: X-23
Two little girls who aren’t afraid to murder. They’re both really bad at making friends of their same gender and, oftentimes, their own age. They spent their childhoods learning to fight and are basically tiny, baby weapons of destruction because of it.
Sansa Stark: Mary Jane Watson
Two gingers who are inexplicably popular with men and basically get passed around like a fetish object to an entire cast. I said it. Or at least that’s how it started! Both Sansa and Mary Jane got character makeovers over the years. They stopped being women in perilous relationships and started becoming queens. Okay, so Mary Jane Watson was never a queen, but she was Carnage, which is just as good.
Bran Stark: Matt Murdock a.k.a. Daredevil
Both of these characters suffered a disability at a young age, and both were endowed with a different set of powers because of it. Daredevil lost his eyesight but developed a “radar sense” as well as superhuman taste, smell, hearing and touch senses. Bran lost the use of his legs and, consequently, his favorite pastime: climbing up walls. This happened because he got thrown from a tower for being a “peeping Tom.” This caused him to lose his ability to walk, but he also gained the ability to be a “warg,” which means he can control the minds of animals. Both are poster babies for silver linings.
Jaime Lannister: Iron Man a.k.a. Tony Stark
These guys love fame and being wealthy. It really helps them out of trouble sometimes. Sometimes, it gets them into worse trouble. They both have a lovable streak of arrogance. Of course, that changed when Tony was captured by terrorists and when Jaime Lannister lost his hand. They both become a bit more complicated down the line. Still handsome, though.
Cersei Lannister: Mystique
You push these ladies down, and they’ll come back stronger. They’re both masters of seduction and can pull one over on most people; however, they often get their comeuppance. I think Cersei may be a bit more obsessive over her children, but Mystique loves her kids too. They’ve both had children who have turned their backs on their “evil” mothers. In addition, they each had a child that was so evil it was kind of a relief to see them die. Too soon?
Joffrey Baratheon: Arcade
I wasn’t sure which psychopathic Marvel villain to go with for Joffrey, then the answer hit me and it was just so obvious. Arcade! They’re both obviously crazy. From the moment you look at them you can tell something is off. Whereas someone like Maximus can pass with his charm and Purple Man can basically control you to not think he’s nuts, Arcade has his crazy all out. Yet he appears harmless? They were both born to wealthy families and act like spoiled, selfish children. Let’s be real, Murderworld would sound like a wet dream for Joffrey.
Tyrion Lannister: Beast
The Beast is a brilliant scientist, and Tyrion is a brilliant politician. Both struggle with their looks, as the Beast is covered in blue fur and Tyrion is a dwarf. However, the Beast hasn’t had much trouble getting girls, and Tyrion has enough money to pay for them. The main thing they have in common is their need to be seen for the genius within and not the “beast” on the outside.
Daenerys Targaryen: Storm
Stormborn anyone? One can control the weather while the other can control dragons. They’re both scary, beautiful and have white hair. They also have everyone’s best interest at heart. Although, sometimes when they lead they can make mistakes (*cough* pissing off Inhumans, *cough* pissing off slave owners). But we rest well knowing every decision these heroes make is because they have the greater good in mind. CAN SOMEONE TELL JON SNOW?
Ramsay Bolton: Maximus
Ramsay is Maximus. These characters are played by the same actor in their respective series, although Inhumans didn’t do quite as well as Game of Thrones. Iwan Rheon, the actor for both series, didn’t have to change his style one bit to go from Ramsay to Maximus.
Both characters are family outcasts, which would seem to be where their psychosis stems from. Maximus and Ramsay have that sort of Ted Bundy charm. They also have really great abs. But just because a guy is charming and has great abs doesn’t mean he won’t cut off all your hair or your genitals and blame it on not being “accepted by their families.” Call the wambulance on these bros.
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Brienne of Tarth: Carol Danvers a.k.a. Captain Marvel
Brienne of Tarth and Carol Danvers have a lot in common. Carol Danvers has struggled to be seen as an equal to her male peers since her childhood was spent always competing against her brothers. Brienne never wanted to be a noblewoman, preferring the life of a knight. They’re both feminist icons who will be remembered in their respective histories for their individual strides toward equality.
Theon Greyjoy: Clint Barton a.k.a. Hawkeye (Later, Weasel)
Theon Greyjoy’s personality did a 180 from the beginning of the Game of Thrones story to when he became Reek. I think he may have started out as Clint Barton-esque. He was definitely talented with a bow and arrow, and also a total ladies’ man. A ladies’ man who gets slapped a lot. Just like Clint! After Theon’s impromptu castration, he became more like Weasel from Deadpool. Someone who will sell out his friends, but may come through for you when you least expect it. Like when the head of the White Walkers is slowly marching through the forest to kill your little foster brother.
The Sand Snakes: B.A.D. Girls, Inc.
The Sand Snakes, otherwise known as Tyene, Nymeria and Obara are clearly Asp, Black Mamba and Diamondback, the reptilian women of B.A.D. Girls, Inc. These women have quite a bit in common, most obviously their association with slithering snakes. Each trio is seriously bonded and loyal to each other, even if the B.A.D. Girls aren’t blood-related. I mean, come on, doesn’t The Serpent Society sound like something the Sand Snakes would most certainly join? I mean, if they were still alive, that is.
How would you cast the Game of Thrones characters as Marvel heroes and villains? Do you agree or disagree with this list? Sound off in the comments below!
Article written by Ilsa Morales
This article was originally posted on 6/7/21
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