FOX Releases First Official Trailer for MINORITY REPORT!

Audrey Kearns

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FOX has released the fist trailer for its reboot of the classic science fiction film, Minority Report. The new television series takes place 10 years after the end of Precrime in D.C. One of the three Precogs, Dash (Stark Sands), struggles to lead a “normal” human life, but remains haunted by visions of the future, when he meets a detective, Lara Vega (Meagan Good), who is haunted by her past who just might help him find a purpose to his gift

The trailer is pretty good. There is a very slim explanation of what ‘Precrime’ is in the trailer and I hope that will be explained in better detail when the show premieres for all the folks that haven’t see the movie. The trailer then jumps to Dash, a former precog, who is still getting fragments of future crimes and wants to prevent these crimes but doesn’t know how.  He needs to find his twin brother Arthur who also has the same ability but in a slightly different way. Their foster sister Agatha (Laura Regan), justs want to be done with it all.

From the trailer, it seems that they may fall into well trodden territory where every week Dash has a vision and he works with the cops, notably Vega, to stop the crime. I hope that’s not the case. I hope there’s a bigger conspiracy arc in the series and FOX does claim there will be (read below). Also, in the movie, Precrime was ended because some visions of the future crime turned out to be incorrect. Will they be addressing that, too?

I’m looking forward to the show. If they have figured out a strong arc and it doesn’t end up a cop show, we have a good science fiction tale on our hands.

Here’s Fox’s description of the show:

Based on the international blockbuster film by executive producer Steven Spielberg and the first of his films to be adapted for television, MINORITY report follows the unlikely partnership between a man haunted by the future and a cop haunted by her past, as they race to stop the worst crimes of the year 2065 before they happen.

Set in Washington, D.C., it is 10 years after the demise of Precrime, a law enforcement agency tasked with identifying and eliminating criminals…before their crimes were committed. To carry out this brand of justice, the agency used three precogs – “precognitives” Dash, Arthur and Agatha – who were able to see the future. Now, in 2065, crime-solving is different, and justice leans more on sophisticated and trusted technology than on the instincts of the precogs.

Precog DASH (Stark Sands, “Inside Llewyn Davis”) – driven by his terrifying, but fragmented visions – now has returned in secret to help a brash, but shrewd, police detective, LARA vega (Meagan Good, “Think Like A Man” franchise, “Californication”), attempt to stop the murders that he predicts.

As they navigate this future America, they will search for Dash’s missing twin brother, ARTHUR, and elude others who will stop at nothing to exploit their precog abilities. Also complicating matters is Dash and Arthur’s ingenious, but reclusive, foster sister, AGATHA (Laura Regan, “Mad Men,” “Unbreakable”), who just wants Dash to return home.

A drama of crime and conspiracy, this is a timeless story of connection: two lost souls, Dash and vega, who find friendship, purpose and redemption in each other.

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Audrey Kearns

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