FOUNDATION Recap: (S02E08) The Last Empress

Julia Roth

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Day played by Lee Pace, standing in front of his people.

We have hit the last three episodes of Apple TV+’s Isaac Asimov‘s Foundation adaptation. As the second Crisis inches closer, the battle between Empire and Foundation seems to be on the horizon. And what of the cliffhanger that came from Ignis? In episode eight, The Last Empress, we get answers regarding what is happening behind the scenes as the galaxy spins ever closer to an all-out war. Let’s not waste any time and dive into this next episode.

DISCLAIMER: This is a recap and, by definition, will contain spoilers. If you haven’t had a chance to watch the latest episode, do so first and then come back.

RELATED: Keep up on Foundation with our recaps!

The Last Empress opens with Rue (Sandra Yi Sencindiver) sneaking around Demerzel’s (Laura Birn) room. She is caught by Dusk (Terrance Mann), who is curious how she figured out the servant’s quarters. As he goes on about her memory being erased, she finally shares that Cloud Dominion has found a way to unerase someone’s memories.

This almost makes it seem like she had a hand in Day’s (Lee Pace) assassination attempt, but Rue also reminds him that the wedding benefits Cloud Dominion. So why is she in Demerzel’s quarters? Because it’s clear that Demerzel is a threat to the marriage, Cloud Dominion and Queen Sareth (Ella-Rae Smith). But not only them – but to Empire as well. Dusk can’t believe this but doesn’t remember how she became their most trusted advisor. We get a brief history lesson on the war between humans and robots and what came of the robots at the end before Dusk is called away.

On Ignis, Gaal (Lou Llobell) confronts Tellum (Rachel House) regarding Seldon’s (Jared Harris) death and Salvor’s (Leah Harvey) disappearance. It seems like this was Tellum’s plan all along to break Gaal. And now she is trying to dive further into her brain by keeping her locked up without using her own powers to break her.

Rue telling Dusk a secret.
Foundation S2E8 The Last Empress

On Trantor, the people gather as Day presides over Poly (Kulvinder Ghir) and Constant’s (Isabella Laughland) execution. It is broadcast across the galaxy, and everyone from the Foundation and Bel Riose’s (Ben Daniels) ship watches on. Day goes on and on about Seldon and how the people of the Foundation are traitors while forcing Poly and Constant to sit and wait for their judgment. Day even goes as far as trying to pressure Sareth into choosing who will die first.

When she doesn’t respond to him, he chooses Constant. As he draws out her suffering, she begins to pray. As she makes her way through her prayer, we watch as the people at the Foundation and even those on Bel Riose ship are affected by what they see. And just as it looks like things are going to come to an end for her, a ship comes blasting in, knocking everyone away and cutting off the transmission, leaving the Foundation and Bel Riose’s ship in the dark for a moment before Mallow (Dimitri Leonidas) appears claiming the beheading is canceled and essentially starting a war between Empire and the Foundation.

In the aftermath, Mallow tries to find Constant while everyone else tries to right their senses. Dawn (Cassian Bilton) comforts Sareth while Dusk protects Rue. Demerzel tries to keep Day safe, but he demands she let him up. It’s not the best choice when Becky makes a chew toy out of him and almost finishes what the assassins couldn’t before being shot and falling over the side. Mallow manages to get Constant back onto the ship, but Poly is left behind.

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The Last Empress jumps to Mallow and Constant on the Whisper. He manages to get the contraption off of her, but the reunion is cut short when they have to quickly jump to safety. On Riose’s ship, he realizes that this will start a revolution, and Glawen (Dino Fetscher) reminds him that not the entire galaxy knows Empire can be touched. Hurt even.

Back on Trantor, Dusk demands that they answer back to this act of violence in kind. Day decides this isn’t enough. He needs to go to Terminus and deal with this himself. Demerzel tries to convince him against this, but Sareth speaks up about him having to patch together his Empire and that this is the right thing. Day leaves Dawn in charge before heading off with Poly in tow.

Back in Sareth’s quarters, Rue tries to warn her that what she has going on with Dawn could cause significant issues with Cloud Dominion. Sareth needs to remember that she has lost quite a lot, but there is still more for her to lose. However, Sareth seems to think she knows how to master this game and reminds Rue of her place.

The Last Empress returns to Ignis as Josiah brings Salvor food (thank the stars; she is still alive!) and informs her that Gaal is being prepped for the table. Ominous sounding indeed. Salvor tries to figure out how to deal with the things blocking her mental powers when she remembers that she has the Prime Radiant from Terminus. She uses it to sneak into the Vault and talk with Vault Seldon. He quickly figures out exactly what happened with the other Seldon and the information that was withheld from him. Even the clones of Seldon are way too smart for us. Salvor asks Seldon for help and doesn’t care what might happen to the timeline.

Vault Seldon sitting inside the Vault at his table.
Foundation S2E8 The Last Empress

On the Whisper, Constant and Mallow wake up away from Trantor but still within the grasp of Empire. On Terminus, the Director (Oliver Chris) worries over Constant’s safety. He heads out to the Vault to face Seldon, or at least the ghost of him. It’s his fault Constant even went to Trantor and was put in this situation and might be dead. Seldon appears to try to explain himself and that he didn’t do it because he didn’t care but because she was special and that their mission is built on people like her. He needs to wait and have faith that she is okay.

Back on the Whisper, Constant pieces herself back together while getting up to speed with Mallow on everything that happened. Constant wishes she had found a way to help Poly when he faltered, but Mallow reminds her that she did help him, just not in the way she thought. Thankfully (well, not really for him), Poly is still alive and heading back to Terminus alongside Day. Aboard Day’s ship, he tries to taunt Poly, telling him that Foundation will fall, but Poly stays true to his belief that they can handle this second Crisis.

The Last Empress returns to the Vault, where Salvor tries to explain her situation. Seldon shows her that he can appear where she is to see exactly what she is dealing with via the Prime Radiant. He explains adjusting the frequency, and she tells him what Gaal shared about Hober Mallow. It appears that what is currently happening in Gaal and Salvor’s story takes place prior to what has been happening between Foundation and Empire. Wibbly wobbely time things.

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Mallow and Constant decide they will be efficient while they sit and wait for the Imperial ships around them to disappear in one of the most awkward, cute romance scenes we’ve ever seen. While Day is off the planet, Dusk has the same idea, except I think he has more questions than the need for extracurricular activities. Thankfully, Mallow and Constant can enjoy some quality time before Riose lets them know that he knows they are there and is picking them up.

Back on Trantor, Dusk and Rue learn that the robot artwork reacting oddly earlier in the episode is really a door. And while they are investigating, Dawn and Sareth sneak off together. He decides that desterilizing himself is the best idea. While the two of them participate in their own extracurricular activities, Dusk and Rue find a staircase that he is sure no one else would know about.

The Last Empress returns to Ignis, where Salvor manages to escape her prison. While she is doing that, Tellum and the other Mentalics start the ritual, allowing Tellum to transport herself into Gaal’s body. Tellum claims that she is the reason behind everything. She planted the seed in her head to leave Synnax and make her way out into the universe. Tellum knew she needed her and put this plan into motion a century ago.

The episode draws to a close as both Dawn and Dusk realize that Demerzel is the one who is genuinely in charge. Even though Empire runs the galaxy, she was programmed by Cleon 1st and does his bidding. She is the one true Empress.

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Well, well, well. We knew that Demerzel had something up her sleeve, but it seems like it is far more than we could have ever expected. As we head into the final two episodes, this season of Foundation is really kicking off. The mysteries are solving themselves and providing more for us to dive into. We also have quite a bit of conflict that will need to be addressed and solved in the final two episodes. Like what will happen to Gaal and the battle between Foundation and Empire. Do we think Day will survive? And will the truth of Demerzel bring Empire crashing down? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and on social media!

Foundation airs Fridays on Apple TV+.

Julia Roth
Catch Me

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