Entertainment Weekly Preps for ‘The Geekiest Year Ever’

Jenny Flack

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-Jenny Flack

Happy New Year to us nerds!!!! Entertainment Weekly’s Darren Franich has given us a bit of a gift to start our 2015 by declaring it ‘The Geekiest Year Ever’ in an article he wrote yesterday.   Franich says ‘ This is a feast of High Nerd properties. 2015 feels like it could be the culmination of a whole era of geekdom.’  And he’s got several good points.  There’s a whole lot for us to look at in 2015, and Franich has made some resolutions that will probably resonate with you as they did with me.  As fans, almost any time the things we love come back to greet us again, like Star Wars, Game of Thrones or Terminator, it can be a bitter sweet experience.  We feel great excitement, anticipation, and trepidation all at the same time.  Franich is feeling this in his resolutions, resolving, ‘ I will try hard not to overanalyze the seventh Star Wars movie, and I promise to only overanalyze the seventh Fast & Furious movie.’ Yes.

Franich’s resolutions are a little bit of comfort, excitement and catharsis for the new year.  Get ready 2015!!! Here comes the Nerd Herd!!!!

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