DUNE: PART 2: Christopher Walken to Play Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV

Audrey Kearns

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The cast of Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part 1 is a who’s who of Hollywood including Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Josh Brolin, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac and Jason Momoa. That’s just naming a few. The sequel film, Dune: Part 2, has already cast Florence Pugh and Austin Butler. Can Legendary and Villeneuve top those castings? The answer is yes they can and they just did. Christopher Walken is joining the cast as the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV of House Corrino. Sources broke the news to Deadline earlier however, Legendary has made no comment.

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Dune is based on the book of the same name by Frank Herbert. There are multiple books in the series. Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV was played by Jose Ferrer in the 1986 David Lynch film. Now Christopher Walken will take on the role and no doubt bring it the gravity it requires. Although the Emperor’s heavy presence is felt throughout the first book of the Herbert series, the character only appears for a short time. With Walken filling this role, it will be interesting to see if Villeneuve gives the character more screen time.  

Shaddam IV is the 81st Padishah Emperor of the Corrino Empire. Threatened by his cousin Duke Leto’s popularity, he conspired with House Harkonnen to assassinate him and take back the planet of Dune for Baron Vladimir Harkonnen ending House Atreides. He didn’t expect Leto’s concubine and son, Lady Jessica and Paul, to survive, however. And, that brings us to the end of Dune: Part 1

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Florence Pugh is most likely playing his eldest daughter Irulan. It’s said that Austin Butler is in talks to play Baron Harkonnen’s nephew, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen (famously played by Sting in the David Lynch film). Production begins in the fall with the film slated to release on October 20, 2023. 


Audrey Kearns

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