Like all us mere mortals, I get a bit behind occasionally on my TV and movie watchin’. Like with Mad Men. There’s only so many hours in a bottle – I mean day. In a day. That’s all about to change. Join me, as I experience Mad Men from a haze of booze. Welcome to DRUNK MEN recaps.
Drunk Mad Men Season 1, Episode 2
This Episode is brought to you by some fortified wine because I was too lazy to mix something.
We start with some Jazz that’s very 90s sitcom but it appears that the comparisons end there. I can’t place what the music reminds me of, maybe it’s Will & Grace. I Google the Will &Grace theme and it’s totally not it. But it’s something *like* Will and Grace so I keep Googling. It’s definitely 90s TV feeling Jazz and not like the 30s or 40s. They wouldn’t have Jazz like this in the Wizard of Oz. Also – where does the red brick road lead to that’s swirling alongside the yellow road in Munchkin Land? Where would that red brick road lead?
Suddenly, 8 minutes of the episode is gone and I’m lost already.
Back into it and they’re talking about Richard Nixon, one guy is walking around in his socks, and I think someone just lit their fart behind frosted glass in the office. EDGES OF YOUR SEATS LADIES.
Some clever filming means X-men Diamond girl Frost is chatting to her friend, both smoking, then oh look a wider shot reveals that the friend is pregnant. Because 60’s people, get your judgement on. Frosty takes a drive and shows how her hands don’t work properly and I’m kinda wondering if it’s because her mutant powers are about to emerge. She has a car accident with the kids in the car and I’m thankful that where I live most cars these days have airbags, and wearing a seat belt is mandatory.
She’s a bit bummed because her doctor can’t find anything physically wrong with her, except the fairly shitty marriage she’s in seems to be a good place to start. “Of course I’m happy” she says to Hamm and cheese pasta. I snort into my wine.
Peggy gets a tour of the office and one of my puppies claims a typing hand and makes all future sentences awkward. Nice guy buys Peggy lunch and tells her he loves the Twilight Zone and that makes him super adorable to me.
Hamm and ketchup surprises Frosty Diamond with a white gold watch and comments that the English guy who sold it to him might have set it to British time because LOL foreigns amirite? The theme of clocks continues when Peggy gets kissed by it seems not-so-nice-guy and the wall clock ticks away while she’s plagued by feelings of shame for the afternoon. Not cool, not-nice-guy. Not cool judgemental clock-of-guilt-and-shame. Can she trust ANYONE at the office now?
Meanwhile mutant Frost goes to the psychiatrist because hurty hands = all in your head, but it turns out her doctor is in league with toasted Hamm! Hamm and mustard calls the doctor after they go to dinner and the doctor goes “I know I have a Hippocratic oath, but there’s totes nothing about confidentiality in there, so wheeeeee!” Both horrible men talk behind closed doors about the mutant wife (who I’m sure has a proper name but…) and I’m getting a bit too tipsy to really concentrate. But I’m furious and upset for her. She does not deserve that bulls**t.
At this point I remember that I have a 3 episode rule. If I don’t like something by the 3rd episode, it gets the boot. Episode 1 had me but this one started to lose me. It all comes down to the next viewing. Will I make it? Join me next week as I make my way through another episode of DRUNK MEN.
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