Lucy Ventham and Matt Greenstreet won our hearts earlier this week, posting what is clearly* the best game on the internet through the Facebook page Cool Dog Group. They thought it would be fun to share their story, but what they didn’t anticipate was the incredible amount of joy their game would bring.
To really understand the awesomeness of this game, Lucy and Matt met at University 2 years ago. She has 3 lovely doggos – a Jack Russel terrier called Tiggy, a Parsons Terrier called Rosie, and a Beagle called Kaiser. Lucy’s currently training to be a Primary School teacher and Matt says he “sells crisps out the back of van.”
Matt has a habit of making games to cheer up Lucy, using simple concepts to help pass time whilst always looking for ways to have fun with each other. One of his favourite games involves naming animals beginning with a certain letter of the alphabet. The person who runs out of animal names is the loser, and then the game starts again with a different letter. Matt’s likes to look on the positive side of life, and always enjoys an opportunity to make Lucy laugh and smile. She describes him as incredibly supportive and encouraging, everything she could ask for in a partner (awww you guys, seriously they are so adorable).
And that’s where Doggo or Noggo comes in. “We live about an hour away from each other and we were just texting,” Lucy explained. “I was bummed out trying to finish an assignment for the next day and Matt just said ‘we’re going to play a game’. He’s always wanting to play games though, so we had no idea how fun it would be until we played it, and then Matt said how Cool Dog Group would love to see it as they’d love to play it!”
Wanna know how to play Doggo OR Noggo? Here’s how:
Turns out, Cool Dog Group members (of which there are over 318,000) adored the game – but the group administrators deleted the post without clear explanation, banning the couple from the group. They are still being excluded without explanation, much to Lucy’s dismay, “it broke my heart – Cool Dog Group was the only thing I used Facebook for”. Not wanting to let it upset her any further, Lucy finds solace in Doggo or Noggo and the thousands of people that adored her story “I posted it and couldn’t believe how popular it got, it was so nice to see loads of people tagging their friends and partners,” Lucy says, ” I like to think they are all playing it!”
Seriously people – relationship goals right here.
While Cool Dog Group have deleted the original post, we have posted it here to preserve on the internet for all ages! (You’re welcome!) Matt and Lucy just have set up a Doggo or Noggo Facebook group that you can request to join, where members post pictures and (obviously) guess if it’s a Doggo or a Noggo.
Stay tuned at Geek Girl Authority for more exciting Doggo or Noggo news to come!
*don’t kid yourself, this is amazing.
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