DOCTOR WHO Recap: (S01E06) Rogue

Melody McCune

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The Doctor and Ruby Sunday wear Regency-era finery while dancing during a lavish ball on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 6, "Rogue."

DISCLAIMER: This recap of Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue,” contains spoilers. Proceed at your peril. 

It’s Bridgerton time on this week’s episode of Doctor Who, and I’m not complaining. 

“Rogue” returns to the basics with a monster-of-the-week format. The Doctor also gets a big, butterfly-inducing romance, which is perfect for this setting. Ncuti Gatwa and Jonathan Groff have sizzling chemistry for days. They’re so good together. Rogue also gives me major Captain Jack and River Song vibes, and I hope he returns next season. 

Additionally, “Rogue” packs on quite the canon-changing twist and another Susan Twist appearance that’ll certainly build to next week’s penultimate outing. 

RELATED: Read our recap of the previous Doctor Who episode, “Dot and Bubble”

1813, Bath, England

We open in 1813 in Bath, England. Lord Galpin (Maxim Ays) demands Lord Barton (Paul Forman) marry his sister since they were caught being naughty (in several rooms). Barton refuses to wed Galpin’s sister. So, like Anthony and the Duke, they must duel. Suddenly, Galpin kills Barton, deciding he wants to be the latter. Galpin walks away as Barton, wearing his skin like the latest fashions from Paris. 

The Doctor and Ruby Sunday wear Regency-era finery while standing on the dancefloor during a lavish ball on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 6, "Rogue."
DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue.” Photo courtesy of BBC/Disney+.

Later, the Doctor (Gatwa) and Ruby (Millie Gibson) dance at a ball thrown by the Duchess of Pemberton (Indira Varma). The Duchess introduces herself to Ruby and the Doctor. Then, she takes Ruby under her wing, declaring it’s time she find Ruby a suitor.

Broodin’ Rogue

However, Ruby hesitates before departing with the Duchess, revealing she’s hearing feedback in her earrings. Oh, yeah, she has psychic earrings, which allow her to perform the intricate dances from the Regency period. The Doctor whips out his sonic screwdriver and latches on to a signal—the very signal Ruby’s earrings picked up on. The signal intensifies when the Doctor points his sonic at Rogue (Groff). At the same time, Ruby notices a painting of another Susan Twist character. This time, she’s the Duchess’s late mother-in-law. She’s everywhere!

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The Doctor introduces himself to Rogue as the pair survey the ball from the balcony. If you listen closely, you can hear an orchestral version of Billie Eilish‘s “bad guy,” which played during Season 1 of Bridgerton. Anyway, the Doctor teaches Rogue how to stand and brood properly. Rogue suggests they head outside. Someone likes to move quickly…

The Doctor and Rogue, a Black man and a white man, wear Regency-era clothing while standing on an indoor balcony during a lavish ball.
DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue.” Photo courtesy of BBC/Disney+.

Meanwhile, the Duchess finds her maid outside among the affluent guests. She scolds said maid for showing herself in public. After the maid responds with impertinence, the Duchess threatens to sack her. That’s when the maid, like Lord Galpin, kills the Duchess and steals her identity. 

Just Like Bridgerton 

Next, Ruby watches Lord Barton and Emily Beckett (Camilla Aiko) converse in the study without a chaperone—the horror. Emily loves him, but he refuses to marry her. This guy just can’t be tied down. Ruby watches from behind a bookcase. However, she makes too much noise, and they catch on to her. After Barton storms out, Emily cries, revealing that if he won’t marry her, then she’s ruined. The scandal.

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Later, the Doctor and Rogue stumble upon the Duchess’s husk of a body. Realizing an extraterrestrial threat is the culprit, they spring into action. Well, Rogue whips out a futuristic weapon and trains it on the Doctor. He believes our titular Time Lord is a Chuldur. Meanwhile, Ruby comforts Emily, telling her that Barton is an idiot. She encourages Emily to go dancing with her. It’s the perfect remedy for forgetting lost loves. 

The Duchess of Pemberton wears Regency-era finery with a bow in her hair. She stands near a lavish flower arrangement in a mansion during a ball on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 6, "Rogue."
DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue.” Photo courtesy of BBC/Disney+.

Then, we see Rogue lead the Doctor to his cloaked ship. Unfortunately, the TARDIS isn’t cloaked, and Rogue believes it’s a shed. This bit cracked me up. We learn Rogue is a bounty hunter, and he’s got a “new boss.” (Could he and the Meep work for the same boss?) 

A Time Lord and a Bounty Hunter

Ruby and Emily dance the night away at the ball as the Duchess and Barton watch from afar. Barton realizes the Duchess is him — a Chuldur. The Not-Duchess sets her sights on Ruby as her next victim. Meanwhile, inside Rogue’s ship, the Doctor realizes the former used to travel with someone. A vessel of that size is more suited to be operated by two people. Rogue entraps the Doctor in a tri-form. This acts as a transport gate, and after it charges, it’ll take the Dcotor to the incinerator. 

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While they wait for the tri-form to charge, the Doctor does everything he can to persuade Rogue he’s not the enemy. He notices dice on the console and realizes Rogue is a Dungeons & Dragons fan, which is how he got his moniker. Then, the Doctor uses his sonic to play Kylie Minogue’s “Can’t Get You Out of My Head.” Rogue tries to switch it off, but the Doctor’s sonic overpowers him. Oh, the flirting is flirting. I love 15 so much. 

The Doctor wears Regency-era finery while standing in a mansion during a lavish ball. He looks focused.
DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue.” Photo courtesy of BBC/Disney+.

When the tri-form finally finishes charging, Rogue moves to press the button that’ll send the Doctor to his death. The Doctor forces Rogue’s ship to scan him. We see all the faces our Time Lord has had over the centuries, including none other than Richard E. Grant‘s iteration of the Doctor in the 2003 animated web series Doctor Who: Scream of the Shalka. So, that means it’s canon, right? 

Something Is Afoot 

Anyway, the Doctor introduces himself as a Time Lord from the “lost and fallen planet of Gallifrey.” Rogue stands there in shock. He releases the Doctor from the tri-form. Meanwhile, Ruby and Emily discover the corpse of the Duchess’s maid. Something is certainly afoot. 

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Then, the Doctor shows Rogue the TARDIS — his sexy baby. Naturally, Rogue is in awe. However, the TARDIS isn’t a fan of bounty hunters, so there’s that. While inside, the Doctor changes Rogue’s tri-form device so the transport gate takes the Chuldur to a barren dimension far, far away instead of the incinerator. Nobody else needs to die. Rogue finally opens up, revealing he lost someone. The Doctor admits he’s lost, well, everyone. The two decide to — potentially — travel together when all this is over. 

Ruby Sunday wears Regency-era finery while standing in a study. She looks through a bookcase.
DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue.” Photo courtesy of BBC/Disney+.

Next, the Doctor and Rogue return to the ball, where they run into Ruby and Emily. It’s here the Doctor realizes the Chuldur are just really big fans of Bridgerton and cosplay. All of this is a show to them. They feed on drama. The Doctor asks Rogue to dance with him, figuring this will cause scandal among the ball attendees. Sure enough, the guests react to them dancing together. The Chuldur stand at attention. 

Delicious Drama

After the dance, the Doctor puts his acting chops on display. He starts a “fight” with Rogue. He asks Rogue to play along. Rogue drops on one knee, producing a ring as he proposes to the Doctor. The Doctor rejects his marriage proposal and runs out, with Rogue hot on his heels. Naturally, the Not-Duchess and Not-Barton fix their alien gazes on the Doctor and Rogue now. So much delicious drama!

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Our pair lures four Chuldur outside, including the Duchess and Barton. They transform into birdlike forms and give chase as the Doctor and Rogue flee. Funnily enough, Rogue is the one to say, “Run.” Um, babes, that’s the Doctor’s thing. While Rogue and the Doctor hide, the Chuldurs declare their plans for a “wedding.” All of this will culminate in lavish nuptials. After feasting on everyone in Bath, they’ll move on to London. Then, they’ll destroy the world. 

Three people in Regency-era clothing have bird-like heads with protruding feathers. They walk out of a mansion at night.
DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue.” Photo courtesy of BBC/Disney+.

Later, the Doctor and Rogue emerge from a carriage. (You know who else was in a carriage recently? Polin…) The Doctor utilizes his sonic to ensure the transport gate can hold four Chuldur. Meanwhile, Ruby comforts Emily after the latter runs away. She’s seen and heard too many strange things. Ruby confesses she’s from the year 2024, piquing Emily’s interest. That’s when Emily reveals she’s also a Chuldur. Uh-oh. Ruby screams as Emily grabs her arm. 

Protect Her 

Next, the Not-Duchess and her Chuldur pals barge into the mansion in their alien forms. They demand everyone prepare for the wedding of the century. The Doctor and Rogue watch from afar as Not-Barton and Ruby emerge as the happy couple. It dawns on our Time Lord that the Chuldur have killed Ruby. He steps aside to feel the full weight of losing his best friend. We see a flashback featuring Carla (Michelle Greenidge) as she urges the Doctor to protect Ruby. He promises to keep Ruby safe. Oof. 

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Then, the Doctor asks Rogue how long the Chuldur live. After learning their lifespan is 600 years, the Doctor says, “It’s a long time to suffer.” Oh, I love it when the Doctor gets angry. Later, the Doctor objects to Ruby marrying Barton. He states he has all three pieces in place to create the tri-form, entrapping Ruby and the four Chuldur. However, Ruby reveals she’s actually herself, not a Chuldur. Remember those psychic earrings? Well, they also have a battle mode, so Ruby kicked Emily’s ass. 

Rogue, a white man, wears Regency-era clothing while standing on the dancefloor during a lavish ball. He's surrounded by ball attendees in extravagant clothing.
DOCTOR WHO Season 1 Episode 6, “Rogue.” Photo courtesy of BBC/Disney+.

Emily reappears in her Chuldur form but winds up in the tri-form, too. The Doctor realizes he’s made an egregious error. After the tri-form charges, Rogue urges the Doctor to press the button — send them all to a barren dimension before the Chuldur destroy the world. Ruby reassures her friend that it’ll all be okay. She’ll manage. The Doctor hesitates, realizing he can’t banish his friend.

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“Find Me” 

Rogue swoops in and kisses the Doctor. It’s beautiful. He uses the moment to distract our Time Lord, grabbing the button out of the latter’s hand. Then, he pushes Ruby out of the tri-form, taking her place. Rogue tosses a bouquet at the Doctor and urges our Gallifreyan to find him before pressing the button, sending himself and the Chuldur to a faraway place. 

Later, the Doctor and Ruby sit outside as the sun rises. Ruby embraces her grieving friend. The Doctor sends Rogue’s ship to orbit the Moon. Ruby wonders if they can search for Rogue. He seems doubtful, given how big the universe is. After Ruby steps into the TARDIS, the Doctor pulls Rogue’s ring out of his pocket from the bounty hunter’s fake proposal. He slips it on his finger—my heart

RELATED: Read our Doctor Who recaps here!

Doctor Who drops new episodes every Friday at 7 pm on Disney+

Melody McCune
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