~Matt Key
Soooooooo, this fight scene is pretty epic.
In Marvel’s Phase Two Box Set, just released, we got a lot more goodies to play with and watch and this deleted scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron was one of them. In it, we see the birth of The Vision (Paul Bettany) that very quickly turns in to a gigantic brawl between the newly born Synthezoid and pretty much the entire team, though it’s mostly with Thor.
Vision rips through all of them very easily, showing off his full power set in the mean time. He allows Cap’s shield to phase right through him, he fires off the beam in his forehead and he manipulates his matter to grow a cape like Thor’s, all in one fight scene. It’s sincerely an epic fight scene that shows off Vision very well.
However, the problem with the scene was most likely that the general audience doesn’t exactly know who he is. His powers are relatively mysterious and unknown, so it may have been decided to introduce those later on when audiences are more familiar with the character.
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