Fan Takes David Harbour’s Mustache from Stranger Things to Create Perfect 80s Magnum P.I. Opening Credits

Audrey Kearns

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David Harbour’s Chief of Police on Stranger Things, Jim Hopper, has a giant, full mustache, a Hawaiian shirt and an abundance of male energy. Of course someone made a Hopper P.I. fan video and it’s fantastic!

Back in the 80’s, a good detective show always had good opening credits. I know. I was there. Magnum P.I.’s opening credits sequence was one of the best! The first few seconds let the viewer know, ‘Get. Excited. Now!’ as a helicopter dives towards the ocean and you see the beautiful Hawaiian coastline while listening to a blood pumping guitar riff.

Man, I loved this show and would think about it during the week. Fighting crime with Thomas Magnum (Tom Selleck) in his red Ferrari, taking a ride one of T.C.’s Island Hoppers helicopters and once we get the bad guys, we’d go kick back at Rick’s bar, The King Kamehameha Club. But, we’d also be smart and steer clear of Higgins and his scary dobermans Zeus and Apollo over at Robin’s Nest. 

YES! I remember all of that. So it was with much excitement when I saw that Eddie Spuhghetti created a Magnum P.I. themed intro called Hopper P.I. with Stranger Things‘ Hopper (David Harbour) as a Magnum-type crime fighter. When I look back on Magnum P.I. in the 80’s, it is so full of over-the-top masculinity, it’s ridiculous. And in this season of Stranger Things, Hopper’s arrogant masculinity was on overdrive and that’s one of the reasons this works so well. Well, that and the Hawaiian shirt. And the trademark mustache. 

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Replacing T.C. and Rick are Joyce “Wheelbarrow” Byers (Winona Ryder) and Murray Bauman (Brett Gelman). The footage used includes Hopper flashing his badge, throwing the mayor (Cary Elwes) up against the wall with ease, getting out of his car with a Burger King bag in his mouth, fighting Russians and looking huggable the whole time. We see Joyce punching the mayor (he so deserved all these beat downs), shooing away Hopper’s naked body, and fighting crime alongside Hopper.  And then we see Murray, well being Murray.

We don’t get the iconic double eyebrow raise at the end but we do get a Hawaiian shirt wearing, mustache laden, adorable Hopper smiling at the end. The only thing I wish was incorporated was T.C.’s ‘Island Hoppers” but alas. It wasn’t about T.C., it was about Magnum. 

ENJOY! I’ve put the OG Magnum P.I. opening video below as well!



Audrey Kearns

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