Darth Vader – He’s Just Like Us!

Claudia Dolph

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Pawel Kadysza photographer and web designer from Poland captured some super fun shots of Darth Vader in some sweet moments that we don’t normally get to see him in, proving once again that he’s not all bad. he’s just like us, living day to day.

In a conversation with Mashable, Pawel had this to say:

We never think of movie characters like they were regular people. And they are. With different life goals, obviously, but they’re just people. Hannibal Lecter had to shower. John Doe from Se7en probably had to do the dishes. And Darth Vader has to do groceries 

Check out these amazing images!

Sigh…I’m even more in love than I was before!

[via Mashable]

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Claudia Dolph
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