D23 2019: Official BLACK WIDOW Poster Revealed with Film’s Major Characters

Audrey Kearns

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Part of the first official poster for Marvel's Black Widow

At San Diego Comic Con, fans saw footage of the upcoming Black Widow film. Fans were also treated to appearances by Natasha Romanoff herself, Scarlett Johansson, David Harbour, Florence Pugh, O.T. Fagbenle and Rachel Weisz although we didn’t get too much information about the film.

At D23 in Anaheim, fans got more. Kevin Feige showed footage of the Cate Shortland directed film to the audience and revealed the release date, May 1, 2020. The film will kick off the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase Four slate of films.

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Andy Park posted his artwork for the official Black Widow film poster to social media. He said, “Official D23 poster I had the honor of painting. This character is very near & dear to me since this is like the gazillionth time I’ve concept designed/painted this iconic Avenger. What a cast, what a crew, this is gonna be a good one!”

The Black Widow film is set between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War. Romanoff was trained by the Red Room. A Russian organization that took young girls and trained them to be assassins. The film is said to be an international thriller that takes her back to her origins with the Red Room. Harbour will play Alexei who is Russian hero, Red Guardian. Pugh plays Yelena, Fagbenle plays Mason and Weisz plays Malina. The big bad is Taskmaster. 

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In the stunning red-themed poster, you see Taskmaster above Romanoff’s Black Widow who is front and center. To her sides you see Yelena, a big bearded Red Guardian, Malina and others. 



Audrey Kearns

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