CAPTAIN MARVEL Gets Screenwriter for the Kree-Skrull War!

Matt Key

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Captain Marvel is slated for release March 2019. Given the typical production cycle on these things, that would mean that production would need to start early 2018. In fact, most rumors have pointed at this as the start time for production, which means that the film is already in the midst of pre-production. In fact, for us to have already seen so much concept art at San Diego Comic Con just proves how far along in production they already are. Marvel is a machine; they have this down.

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Today now brings more news about the film — it has a new screenwriter in Geneva Robertson-Dworet, who’s upcoming scripts include the Tomb Raider reboot and the Suicide Squad spinoff Gotham City Sirens. Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFauve have been working on the script now for a year and have, no doubt, turned in countless drafts. However, their personal narrative watch has ended. This sounds bad, but on a film this big, it’s not dire news. In fact, it’s typically pretty common — Deadpool 2 did it, Doctor Strange did it twice.

As the Hollywood Reporter, who broke the story, says in their article, LeFauve is actually unavailable for this next round of drafts as the Inside-Out scribe is now busy at work on Pixar’s next film, Gigantic.


When studios have so much wrapped up in the success of a film, the success of which they only get one shot, they don’t take chances. Captain Marvel is one of their biggest films to date — an early 1990’s period piece about one of their most powerful heroes who is also their first truly solo female-led hero film that could potentially set up huge parts of Marvel Phase Four — there’s a lot to this film. The biggest gamble with any film is that you really only get one chance to get it right and Captain Marvel is one the studio cannot afford to get wrong.

So to hedge their bets on these gigantic enterprises, studios cycle through multiple drafts with multiple writers to get it right. Not to mention, once a director (or directors) are on board, there’s typically a director’s draft done for the film. Chances are good that Captain Marvel directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck requested Geneva Robertson-Dworet due to similar sensibilities or previous interactions with her that convinced them she had the right touch for their draft.

Nicole Perlman helped give us the original Guardians of the Galaxy, so we can most likely expect some great comedy and action, LeFauve gave us Inside-Out, so we can expect a lot of heart, and now, with Robertson-Dworet, we can expect some pretty epic action set pieces and some badass female heroing.


Tomb Raider AND Gotham City Sirens? That’s quite the pedigree to now have on this film. 

Matt Key
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