Julia Roth

Manta Comics title art for I've Become a True Villainess.

Thank you, Manta Comics, for an early look at the first three chapters of I’ve Become a True Villainess in return for an honest review.

Being reborn or transported into another time/story/world has become an overused trope within webcomics, manga and anime in the last few years. My first experience with it was in Inuyasha, and from there, I either really loved the story or downright hated it. This brings us to Manta Comics’ newest series – I’ve Become a True Villainess. The story follows a young grad student who dies and awakes as the villain in a romance novel. Now she must do everything she can to change the story and her fate.

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Now, this review for I’ve Become a True Villainess is based solely on the first three chapters of the series. Typically, I find myself either totally sucked into a webcomic within the first few chapters or have no interest whatsoever. But, in the case of this one, I am feeling a bit in between. The trope isn’t my favorite, but I don’t hate it in this sense. Seria (or at least the grad student in her body) is doing everything she can to be friendly, supportive and loved so she doesn’t become the villain and eventually die. And it’s easy to like her and rally behind her.

Seria surrounded by his Grace and Callias in I've Become a True Villainess.
I’ve Become a True Villainess Manta Comics Original Series.

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And the setup of the fantasy/magical world with I’ve Become a True Villainess is done well in these three chapters. It’s enough to entice me to keep reading just to figure out what else Seria can do and how that differs from what her character in the romance novel would have done. And the subtle shifts of the other characters within the world raise many questions. I have a strong feeling that this isn’t just going to be a single-trope kind of series. We’ve already met two, if not three, possible romantic interests, which would make sense with how the story is being told.

But, this all boils down to whether I’ve Become a True Villainess worth the read. The short answer – yes. The long answer – it depends on your tastes. This isn’t something I would typically be drawn to, but the fantasy/magic elements are interesting enough to have piqued my interest enough that I will be back to check out future chapters. But I also want to watch the butterfly effect that is taking place around Seria. However, if these aren’t things you would typically enjoy reading, this story might feel a bit over the top. But with every webcomic/book, I still suggest checking it out. You never know what you might find by giving something a chance.

Julia Roth
Catch Me

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