The Best of “Overheard at San Diego Comic Con” 2016

Audrey Kearns

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San Diego Comic Con 2016 has just ended. I’m back home in my own bed, my feet hurt, I have con crud from the millions of germs that were floating around the convention floor but I am happy.

13692613_10153816460012549_3397045558840386975_nThis year I met Steven Moffat, was Neil Gaiman adjacent at a party, got into the Syfy / The Magicians party,  went to the Star Trek Beyond World Premiere where I received super-cool swag, dropped money on some amazing art, danced at Nerd HQ and drank a bit too much. So much that I forgot to tweet my favorite “Overheard at Comic Con quotes” but thanks to diligent con-goers, I was able to compile a list.

As evidenced in these tweets, Pokemon Go was the clear winner of this years SDCC. Everyone was obsessed! It didn’t matter if you were at a party, panel, on the con floor or even in the bathroom – the game ruled all.

Enjoy these wonderful, giggle-inducing quotes and if you are not sated, than check out the previous lists here: The Best of “Overheard at San Diego Comic Con” 2014 and The Best of “Overheard at San Diego Comic Con” 2015.

(Note: Props to @tv_Victoria for posting so many awesome Overheard at Comic Con quotes!)

Overheard at Comic-Con: “Where the Pokémon at, bro?” #sdcc

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Audrey Kearns

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