San Diego Comic Con 2016 has just ended. I’m back home in my own bed, my feet hurt, I have con crud from the millions of germs that were floating around the convention floor but I am happy.
This year I met Steven Moffat, was Neil Gaiman adjacent at a party, got into the Syfy / The Magicians party, went to the Star Trek Beyond World Premiere where I received super-cool swag, dropped money on some amazing art, danced at Nerd HQ and drank a bit too much. So much that I forgot to tweet my favorite “Overheard at Comic Con quotes” but thanks to diligent con-goers, I was able to compile a list.
As evidenced in these tweets, Pokemon Go was the clear winner of this years SDCC. Everyone was obsessed! It didn’t matter if you were at a party, panel, on the con floor or even in the bathroom – the game ruled all.
Enjoy these wonderful, giggle-inducing quotes and if you are not sated, than check out the previous lists here: The Best of “Overheard at San Diego Comic Con” 2014 and The Best of “Overheard at San Diego Comic Con” 2015.
(Note: Props to @tv_Victoria for posting so many awesome Overheard at Comic Con quotes!)
Overheard at Comic-Con: “Where the Pokémon at, bro?” #sdcc
— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) July 23, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC: “You can get to THREE Pokestops from the men’s bathroom!”
— Skyla (@skylatron) July 24, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC:
Guy: I don’t get why they want to stand in line for hours for this stuff.
Girl: No, honey, this is like their Coachella.— Mike Driscoll (@NotMikeDriscoll) July 25, 2016
Overheard at @Comic_Con: Wait, #OrlandoJones is in @CriminalMindsBB?
— Orlando Jones (@TheOrlandoJones) July 21, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC: “My daughter witnessed me interview for and land a freelance job in a panda suit” #SDCC2016
— ppyajunebug, phd (@ppyajunebug) July 24, 2016
Over heard at SDCC “how many comic colorists does it take to change a lightbulb?” Me”?” “IDK but they’ll all want to be credited equally.”
— Nicky Poo (@NickPitarra) July 24, 2016
“My aunt became really obsessed with essential oils and I think it’s because her marriage is a sham.” Overheard at #SDCC
— Carina MacKenzie (@cadlymack) July 23, 2016
Overheard at Quick Draw SDCC panel: “The second exclamation point is silent.”
— Eric Heisserer (@HIGHzurrer) July 23, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC: “Oh! Get a picture with that Power Ranger!” – a mom talking about #Deadpool
— Donna Dickens (@MildlyAmused) July 22, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC “Have you ever seen LOVE ACTUALLY? It’s an old school English movie about Christmas.”
— Joanna Robinson (@jowrotethis) July 22, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC: “this still feels like a dream.”
— sapphirescribe (@sapphirescribe) July 21, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC –
Wife: Why don’t you get in line?
Husband: I hate people.
Wife: Then why did you make us vacation here?
😂😂 #comiccon— Jen Abundez (@amazingjen) July 21, 2016
We know red sabres are more powerful, because they’re synthetic crystals. #overheard at #SDCC
— Victoria Venery (@tv_victoria) July 21, 2016
“I don’t care if it’s a Psyduck, keep walking!!!” -overheard at #SDCC
— Kelly M (@gingerkelli) July 21, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC:
“…piss-poor adaptation…”
“…you gotta reboot that sh*t.”
“Asden, get me a sword!”— Rob Kutner (@ApocalypseHow) July 21, 2016
Oh my god, oh my god! There’s a legendary Pokemon in Hall H! #Overheard at #SDCC #PokemonGO
— Victoria Venery (@tv_victoria) July 24, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC: two cosplayers wanted photos of each other. The one dressed as Han Solo asked if he should <sunglasses> shoot first.
— C. Eubanks (@moonunit999) July 24, 2016
Don’t forget your Sadness! #Overheard at #SDCC
— Victoria Venery (@tv_victoria) July 23, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC: “You should check, I don’t think I did a good job of wiping.”
— Star Foxers, Inc. (@StarFoxers_Inc) July 23, 2016
I think a lot of people just like soy sauce. #Overheard at #SDCC
— Victoria Venery (@tv_victoria) July 23, 2016
Overheard at #sdcc “it’s probably fake Kevin Smith but it might be real Kevin Smith”
— Ben Cook (@benjaminwcook) July 23, 2016
Cab driver is telling me & @BrianDBradley that the end times are coming and Jesus is causing global warming. #SDCC #ComicCon
— Audrey Kearns (@audreykearns) July 23, 2016
Overheard, #sdcc: “Is that a costume, or does she just work at the hotel?”
— Jim McLauchlin (@McLauchlin) July 23, 2016
Overheard at SDCC Hall H line: I got this dress from Forever 21 but it’s very evocative of Star Trek. #okthen #nerdisms #SDCC #HallH
— Nanikai (@nanikai) July 23, 2016
Overheard at Comic Con “Zika is just ruining everything” #SDCC
— Chris Gomez (@scratchex) July 23, 2016
“I’ve been awake for two hours, at this point the going back to sleep train has sailed.” -overheard at #SDCC
— Kelly M (@gingerkelli) July 23, 2016
Overheard at Comic-Con: “Honestly, dude? At this point I’d shit if I saw a decent Groot.” #sdcc
— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) July 23, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC: People are starting to smell.
— sapphirescribe (@sapphirescribe) July 22, 2016
I just walked through somebody's horrible fart on the con floor. Send help. #SDCC #comiccon
— Audrey Kearns (@audreykearns) July 22, 2016
Okay, claustrophobia, let’s go! #Overheard at #SDCC
— Victoria Venery (@tv_victoria) July 22, 2016
“You got a fucking SNORLAXXX??” Overheard at #sdcc #sdcctips
— Twisted Cosbaes (@TwistedCosbaes) July 22, 2016
Most overheard phrase at #SDCC:
“What’s this line for?”— hotdog_gymnast (@hotdog_gymnast) July 22, 2016
Overheard at #sdcc: “I miss how life was a few months ago when there was no RNC and it felt like Dat Boi would last forever”
— michael_tritter (@tritter) July 22, 2016
Honestly if the only reason you watch #Arrow is because of John Barrowman, that’s okay. #Overheard at #SDCC
— Victoria Venery (@tv_victoria) July 21, 2016
Let me give you one of my cards and we can be friends on the internet. #Overheard at #SDCC
— Victoria Venery (@tv_victoria) July 22, 2016
Overheard outside my hotel last night at #SDCC
Fan: “Can I get a photo?”
Oliver Stone: “Please don’t.” 😂— Denny Directo (@DDirecto) July 21, 2016
Overheard at #ComicCon
Child: We’re not at the front of the line again
Parent: Sweetie you’re never at the front here— Alexa Martin (@Lexamichelle) July 24, 2016
Overheard at #ComicCon “can I get a picture of you eating my face?” #zombiefun #wtf #WalkingDead #SDCC2016
— MotherhoodNHollywood (@MIHPodcast) July 24, 2016
Overheard at @Comic_Con: I hate this crowd it’s worse than a rave. #SDCC2016
— Drew Mandinach (@MNDNCH) July 24, 2016
Overheard at #Comic-Con: “Quit molesting my Snarf!”
— David Reddish (@thegaymagneto) July 24, 2016
“I’m designing an app like Tinder, but like, for dogs.”
– overheard at @Comic_Con
— TJ Fixman (@TJFixman) July 23, 2016
Overheard at Comic-con #1: You have to read it in the original cuneiform.
— Susan Van Metre (@skeetermeeter) July 24, 2016
Overheard at ComicCon: “I don’t want to do this anymore. This is my last year. I’m never doing this again.” #SDCC2016 #WordForWord
— Rebecca Cohen (@GynoStar) July 23, 2016
Overheard #PokemonGO conversations at Comic-Con:
Dad: “There’s another Rockdude! Or wait, Geodude, right?”
Daughter: “That’s a Rhyhorn”— Caitlin Elise Willis (@caiwillis) July 23, 2016
Overheard at Comic-Con: “We can go catch Pokemon, or we can grab lunch. What do you want to do?” Both seem like sensible choices.
— Monica Garske (@GarskeNBC) July 22, 2016
OVERHEARD AT COMIC-CON: “Stop taking free stuff. Just stop!” – Girl to her mother
— Swisher (@swish) July 22, 2016
“So I told him that I’m an adult and I can buy all the buttons I want!”
-My favorite thing I’ve overheard at Comic-con this year— Ethan Teller (@Tellersvision) July 22, 2016
Overheard at #ComicCon
Girl: I’m running low on balls
Guy: want me to find some for you?#hopetheymeantpokemongo— Tony Caballero (@TonyWritesWords) July 22, 2016
Overheard at ComicCon: “I’m trying to get my cat into this cat film festival…” #SDCC2016 #day1
— Siena K (@AmusingGrace21) July 21, 2016
Overheard at #ComicCon: “You’re at Comic Con! Learn to work the pole!”
— David Reddish (@thegaymagneto) July 21, 2016
“I was at a party and saw Darth Vader puke after a shot of Fireball. His buddies started calling him Puke Skywalker.”-Overheard at #SDCC2016
— Josh Macuga (@JoshMacuga) July 25, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC2016: a little girl pointed to a statue of Batman and said, “Underpants man!”
— Hannah Shaw-Williams (@HSW3K) July 24, 2016
“We are near the big Brown Orc.” – mom carefully setting up meeting on phone #overheard at the #SDCC2016
— Nikki Paqueo (@nikkipaqueo) July 24, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC2016 “so how do ya pee in that storm trooper suit?” “Whelp! The codpiece comes off!”
— Erica Vale (@DrE_Vale) July 24, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC2016
“It’s been working for me, man. Dove for men”
— Brian W. Foster (@BrianWFoster) July 23, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC2016:
“I made a short film.”
“What is it?”
“Well, it’s like a feature, but not as long.”— Michael Varrati (@MichaelVarrati) July 23, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC2016
“You know, like an otter wearing a FitBit”
— Brian W. Foster (@BrianWFoster) July 22, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC2016 “look at that hot Spidergirl!” Friend responds condescendingly “there’s no such thing as Spidergirl.” #priorities
— Joebot (@JoeySpiotto) July 22, 2016
“Why does something have to be the matter? Why can’t I just be angry at you for no reason?” – overheard at #SDCC2016
— Rocco Versaci (@rocco_versaci) July 22, 2016
Overheard at Comic Con. “I keep equating the scene outside with War of the Worlds.” #SDCC2016
— Debbi Baker (@Debbi_Baker) July 21, 2016
OJ Simpson; order up! #- things overheard at #SDCC2016
— Mongadillo Studios (@mongadillo) July 22, 2016
Overheard at #SDCC2016: “Can you get two fresh beers for the adults?”
— MK Gaudet (@nomington) July 21, 2016
Things overheard at #SDCC2016: “Isn’t #Sherlock only 9 episodes?” Um… First off, how dare you? And second, it’s 10.
— Megan M (@Mugsy211) July 24, 2016
“Not EAT a puffin.”
Overheard at #SDCC2016— Bob Proehl (@bobproehl) July 24, 2016
Best thing overheard at #SDCC2016 so far. “As a fat guy with a beard, I think that…” Going to be another great year!
— Mace Markham (@sinnergproject) July 21, 2016
“I served 3 tours in Afghanistan and this is pretty bad” – overheard at Comic Con #ComicCon2016
— David Landau (@poncejones) July 23, 2016
Overheard at Comic-Con: “I spent $2,000 getting here. I can’t waste time!” #ComicCon2016
— Dana Littlefield (@danalittlefield) July 23, 2016
Overheard at Comic Con. ‘So what time does the expedition hall open’ ? Well sometimes it does feel like that. @SD_Comic_Con
— Linda Takahashi (@takahmama) July 21, 2016
Overheard #PokemonGO conversations at Comic-Con:
Dad: “There’s another Rockdude! Or wait, Geodude, right?”
Daughter: “That’s a Rhyhorn”— Caitlin Elise Willis (@caiwillis) July 23, 2016
Overheard someone say: “Everyone’s accepted at Comic-con.” Wouldn’t it be nice if the whole world were more like Comic-con? #sdcc2016
— Califan (@CalifanSD) July 22, 2016
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