5 Excellent Podcasts for Film Fans

Kimberly Pierce

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The logo for film podcast You Must Remember This and headshot for host Karina Longworth

This article was originally published on 8/10/22.

Picking a podcast to listen to can truly be a daunting task. It seems anymore anyone with a microphone can be a podcaster. As a result, there is no shortage of available content, which is especially true for film fans worldwide. Do you want a classic film podcast? Are you more into Oscar predictions? Or are “cult classics” more your bag? It’s hard out there if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Even worse, listening to a podcast can be a real commitment, so it can be tough to jump in blind. However, when you’re lucky enough to find the one show you really love, it’s a savor the joy. 

Well, we here at Geek Girl Authority are doing the work, so you don’t have to. Here are just 5 of the excellent podcasts out there for film fans. Dive in, nerd out and maybe even find something new to watch. 

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You Must Remember This

The logo for film podcast You Must Remember This and a headshot of host Karina Longworth.

You Must Remember This began in earnest but has grown into the gold standard for Old Hollywood podcasts. The series is hosted by journalist and film historian Karina Longworth and brings a thesis of exploring the “secrets and forgotten histories” of Hollywood’s first century. Yes, it is as juicy and delightful as it sounds.

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Over the course of fifteen seasons, You Must Remember This delivers the widest expanse of cinematic subjects on this list. While this show is described as a classic film and Old Hollywood podcast, Longworth is a talented and versatile researcher who’s comfortable in any era. Episodes cover everything from legends of the silent era like Buster Keaton and Greta Garbo to the erotic thrillers of the 1980s… and everything in-between. However, if you’re looking for an inroad to learn more about classic Hollywood, You Must Remember This is a great place to start.

TCM: The Plot Thickens

The logo for season 3 of TCM: The Plot Thickens

The Plot Thickens has been trucking along for three seasons now. With each passing year, the Turner Classic Movies-produced podcast is gaining confidence. With a fourth season (spotlighting legend Pam Grier) set to air this October, they are sure to keep it up with fantastic research and even better storytelling. 

Each season, the series presents an in-depth examination of a different topic hosted by TCM host Ben Mankiewicz. The most recent collection of episodes focuses on the life and career of television legend Lucille Ball. Previous years looked at the noted Hollywood flop Bonfire at the Vanities and, before that, the career of legendary director Peter Bogdanovich.

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While the show’s structure is more in-depth (each season focuses on a single topic), The Plot Thickens brings the care and dedication of the Turner Classic Movies crew. Few channels love movies quite like this team, and it shows in their work. Classic entertainment lovers and film students should add this to their lists.

The Movies That Made Me

The logo for film podcast The Movies That Made Me

The Movies That Made Me brings a simple concept. What movies shaped our greatest cinematic minds? The best directors are also film fans, and The Movies That Made Me understands this intimately.

Hosted by A History of Violence screenwriter Josh Olson and legendary director Joe Dante, the series brings a new guest and, with that, a fresh discussion every week.

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Ultimately, the podcast is made thanks to the presence of Joe Dante. The Gremlins and The ‘Burbs director demonstrated early how film and nostalgia shaped his work. He truly loves movies. In fact, his knowledge of the medium is virtually encyclopedic. With Dante behind the microphone, no film goes undiscussed and even if he doesn’t “like” a movie, he still appreciates it and understands its significance.

The Movies That Made Me is a great podcast for those looking to revel in the joy of movies. They easily talk contemporary Hollywood, the classics, and international cinema, and every episode yields at least one good recommendation for voracious film fans.

Screen Drafts

The logo for Screen Drafts

Screen Drafts is one of the newer discoveries for yours truly on this list, and truthfully it is probably the most “inside baseball.” However, like The Movies That Made Me, every episode yields plenty for those needing new entries for their LetterBoxd watchlist. 

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The series aims to bring film “experts and enthusiasts” together to create “cinematic best-of lists.” This can be something as dauntingly broad as the best “Hotel & Motel movies” to something more defined like the best Ryan Gosling movies. Every week, hosts Clay Keller and Ryan Marker tackle the Herculean task of prepping each topic in order to facilitate discussions, and the mind boggles at how this remains a weekly show. They aren’t afraid to tackle fun and highly specialized topics, and their ability to find guests who genuinely love these subjects makes it even more special. Those who frequent “Film Twitter” will surely appreciate this show as the guests are often a who’s who of the brightest minds on the platform. 

Of the podcasts on this list, Screen Drafts probably spends the least time discussing the “classics.” Still, with a flexible format and the adaptability of Keller and Marker as hosts, this show has unlimited potential.

Screen Drafts is a must-listen for the more experienced film fans out there looking to expand their horizons. 

The Video Archives

The logo for film podcast Video Archives

Video Archives came on the scene like gang-busters earlier this month, so it’s a baby in the podcasting world. Despite its newness, though, the series feels destined for a long run.

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Video Archives is hosted by director Quentin Tarantino alongside screenwriter and director Roger Avary. The show harkens back to their previous lives working at a California video store (Video Archives). In the introductory episode, they detail how Tarantino purchased the Video Archives stock of VHS tapes after the store closed. Tarantino has long been an advocate of physical media. In each episode, the hosts plan to discuss two films from the Video Archive collection.

Truthfully, Video Archives is probably the most “niche” show on this list. As of the writing of this article, one episode has been released and featured a discussion of the cult sci-fi movie Dark Star and the 1979 drama Cocaine Cowboys. It goes without saying, these aren’t mainstream films. However, anyone familiar with Quentin Tarantino’s work should know that the director doesn’t exactly lean towards the “popular” works either. 

What shines through in the debut episode, though, is the love Tarantino and Avary share for movies. Listening to a podcast coming from someone as formidable as Tarantino, one would almost expect a level of detachment. He doesn’t have to care. The director always has a lot going on. However, even this early on, Video Archives brings a refreshingly personal vibe. Listening to Tarantino and Avary “nerd out” over these movies for almost two hours is a joy. They share love not just for these films but for movies in general. This isn’t just their business; it’s their passion. 

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Video Archives will likely be diving into more niche and cult-classic films each episode, so it will likely remain one of the more specialized shows on this list. However, anyone who loves Tarantino’s work should definitely check this one out. His passion for film is contagious. 

As mentioned, it is impossible to throw a rock on Apple Podcasts or Spotify without hitting a film podcast. It seems anyone with a microphone can be… and is… a podcaster. With an environment so dense with content, it’s almost daunting to search for a new show. This is certainly true for the film fans out there. However, when you find a show with passion, love and knowledge for film, it deserves all the love and support. Happy listening! 

Each of these podcasts are available wherever you listen to your film podcasts. 


Kimberly Pierce
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