The Flash is so close to stopping Savitar. And yet, so far away…
Savitar is still a threat. In the very near futures, he kills Iris West. And no matter what Team Flash does, they can’t change the future.
They even had clues to help them along the way. The team was able to change some of the headlines. They stopped the gorilla attack by Grodd. They increased the interest in the STAR Labs musuem so they wouldn’t have to close it. After everything they have been through, they are destined to lose Iris.
Last week Barry met a villain from the future, Abra Kadabra. Kadabra teased Team Flash saying he knows Savitar’s true identity. Abra Kadabra never reveal Savitar’s identity. Instead he is captured by Gypsy and taken to Earth 19 to face execution.
Click here for a full recap of The Flash “Abra Kadabra.”
Caitlin dies! And Killer Frost emerges. The one headline that the team did not want to come true. Have they lost Caitlin forever?
At the end of the episode, Barry figures out the one thing that Savitar has over them. He’s from the future. Barry tells Iris and Joe that he has to go to the future to find his answers.
In the next episode, The Flash travels to 2024 and encounters a darker, sadder version of himself. Caitlin is still Killer Frost, Cisco looks like he’s living under a rock, and Wally appears to be in a wheel chair. The future looks very bleak in the trailer for “The Once and Future Flash”
The Flash returns to the CW on April 25. I know….I know…that’s forever!!!
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