ARROWVERSE Update and Photos Released Ahead of SDCC

Noetta Harjo

Updated on:

Arrowverse crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths

The Arrowverse is preparing for a shake up this next season. Entertainment Weekly has released many photos of the stars of the Arrowverse and some details of what to expect this season. Check out the individual Arrowverse covers for Oliver Queen/The Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), Barry Allan/The Flash (Grant Gustin), Kara Zor-El Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), Sara Lance/White Canary (Caity Lotz), and Kate Kane/Batwoman (Ruby Rose)

The Green Arrow of the Arrowverse
Stephen Amell is the Green Arrow in Arrow. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly

There were two timelines going on in Arrow season seven and it looks like that will continue.  In the present, Oliver Queen made a deal with The Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) to save the Flash and Supergirl in the last crossover. Oliver returned to Star City to help his half sister Emiko (Sea Shimooka) find her mother’s killer, only to find out her true motive was to destroy the Queen legacy. She died at the hands of a secret organization known as the Ninth Circle.

Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy) lost her ability to use her Canary Cry, but continued to fight  as the Black Canary.  Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) left Star City for a job in Washington DC.  Oliver and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) fled Star City, to hide from the Ninth Circle.  They had a baby girl named Mia. And shortly after  The Monitor came to collect. Oliver left with him to deal with the Crisis that is coming. The Monitor warned Oliver that he may not survive.

In the future timeline introduced us to the adult versions of Mia Smoak (Katherine McNamara), William Clayton (Ben Lewis) and Zoe Ramirez (Andrea Sixtos).  Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) returned in both timelines. Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) returned to Earth-2, but came back to Star City in the future to run the Canary Network.  Rene Ramirez (Rick Gonzalez) became the mayor of the Glades in the future. 

Here’s what we know going into season eight:

  • The season eight will have ten episodes.  
  • Rickards will not return as Felicity in the final season.  
  • Ben Lewis and Katherine McNamara will return as the adult versions of the Queen kids, having been promoted to series regulars.
  • Oliver will be working with The Monitor away from Star City. 
  • Colin Donnell will return as Tommy Merlyn and Josh Segarra will appear as Adrian Chase
  • Showrunner Beth Schwartz told EW that everything in season eight will relate to what’s going to happen in the crossover.  

Arrow returns on Tuesday October 15 on the CW.

The Flash
The Flash from the Arrowverse
Grant Gustin is The Flash. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly

Last season on The Flash, Barry and Iris (Candice Patton) got a glimpse of what it’s like to be parents.  Unfortunately the timeline changed and their daughter Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) faded away into nothingness.  

Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) found the origin of Killer Frost. Her father, Thomas Snow (Kyle Secor)created a serum that would reverse the affects of ALS. He gave that serum to Caitlin to avoid the disease affecting her.  Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Caitlin reversed the process to create a cure for metahuman powers.  And though he wasn’t the first in line, Cisco was the most eager at a chance at a normal life. As a thank you, Cisco made Killer Frost a new suit.  Oh and he has a new girlfriend too!

Ralph Dibney (Hartley Sawyer) was more of a supportive pal for Iris last season, but at the end he was looking through a file labeled Dearborn.  I wonder what that means?  Cecile Horton (Danielle Nicolet) was able to provide more assistance to the team with her psychic abilities. And Joe (Jesse L. Martin) took a short hiatus, visiting Wally. 

And the series big bad, Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh) escaped death once more, at the cost of Nora’s life.  He promised Barry they’d see each other in the next crisis. 

And then there’s that newspaper headline.  At the end of season five, a time flux occurred, changing the disappearance of the Flash from 2024 to 2019.  But there was also a message from Barry to Nora that wasn’t clear or ever explained. Hmmm…

  •  The Flash  has a new showrunner in Eric Wallace. Wallace told EW that the big bad will be a  male character who appears in the comics. This big bad will have an emotional connection to Barry. 
  • For the most part, Barry and Iris will be dealing with the loss of a child.  
  • Gustin told EW that the audience will find out more about that headline heading into the crossover. 
  • Wallace says  the back half of the season will deal primarily with the fallout of Crisis. 

The Flash returns Tuesday, October 8 on the CW.

RELATED: Read All of THE FLASH Recaps Here!

Supergirl from the Arrowverse
Melissa Benoist is Supergirl. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly

Supergirl dealt with a lot of heavy content this past season.  And season five might be more of the same. For starters Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) finally found out that Kara is Supergirl. But the real kick to the heart is that Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) is the one who told Lena, not Kara.  

James Olsen (Mechad Brooks) was shot last season, causing him to suffer from PTSD. His sister Kelly (Azie Tesfai) came to National City to help him through it and struck up a friendship with Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh).  Alex was trying to get her life in order, so she could adopt a baby. She almost got a baby, but the mother changed her mind at the last minute. Alex leaned on Kelly for comfort and friendship quickly became something more.

Speaking of relationships, James and Lena are no longer together. Brainiac-5 (Jesse Rath) finally worked up the courage to ask Nia Nall (Nicole Maines) out on a date.  Nia finally accepted her powers and Brainy is training her to use them.  

  • Going into season five, the real focus will be on Kara and Lena’s friendship.  Co-showrunner Jessica Queller told EW that Lena will throw herself into her work that will make people rely more on technology than human interaction.  Co-showrunner Robert Rovner says the show will be dealing with how technology is impacting the way people interact and escape.  
  • J’onn’s (David Harewood) brother Malefic are reunited, courtesy of the Monitor.  Malefic, or Mal is a shapeshifter and will be voiced by Phil LaMarr.  
  • The big bad will be Leviathan, a secret organization that placed Eve Tessmacher (Andrea Brooks) in Lex Luthor’s life to control him.  This will be a different organization that comic book fans know.  
  • Supergirl has a new suit, with pants instead of a skirt
  • Melissa Benoist will make her direct the 17th episode of the season. This will be her directorial debut.

Supergirl returns on Sunday, October 6 on the CW.

Legends of Tomorrow
The White Canary from the Arrowverse
Caity Lotz is Sara Lance, the White Canary. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly

The Legends of Tomorrow were kind of doing their own thing this season. Sara and Ava Sharpe (Jes Macallan) were trying to be a normal couple.  Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) wanted to help Nora Darhk (Courtney Ford) with anything, but didn’t really know how. Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell) finished his romance novel and its a major hit. Zari Tomaz (Tala Ashe)and Nate Heywood (Nick Zano) became a couple, despite every attempt not to.  John Constantine (Matt Ryan) joined the Legends to help track down and get rid of magical creatures that were messing up the timeline. They picked up a couple of new crew members: Charlie (Maisie Richardson-Sellers), a shapeshifter that is stuck in the appearance of Amaya. And Mona Wu (Ramona Young), a human turned Kaupe …kind of like the Hulk.

So much crazy stuff happened that led to the opening of a magical creatures theme park called Hey World.  Ray was possessed by a demon named Neron. He allowed the demon on the condition that Neron would not kill Nate.  The only way to save Ray was for Neron to kill Nate, going back on his word. Constantine was able to kill the demon and revive Ray. 

Zari was forced to remain in the Temporal Zone while the team faced Neron. Upon hearing that Nate was dead, she ignored her fate to save his life.  She gave him one last hug before disappearing. No one on the team remembers meeting her because her timeline has changed. Her brother never died and she never needed to find magic.  She is replaced by her brother Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) going into season five.  And in another twist, the child that Constantine couldn’t save, Astra (Olivia Swann) is all grown up and makes a deal to unleash some of the worst villains in history back on Earth.  

  • So what’s new for season five. For starters, Sara gets a superpower.  Lotz tells EW that is more like an illness that turns into a superpower.  And that’s all she will say about it. 
  • The time bureau is gone, so the Waverider becomes home base. Meaning Ava is moving in.  
  • Olivia Swann was promoted to series regular. 
  • As for Zari, well, she’s still around, and we might get to see her. But she will not be the same Zari we know.  
  • The Legends will not be at San Diego Comic Con but they will be a part of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event this year.

The Legends of Tomorrow returns in 2020 on the CW.

Batwoman from the Arrowverse
Ruby Rose is Batwoman. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly

This is the first season of Batwoman in the Arrowverse.  She first appeared in the Elseworlds crossover last year, assisting the Flash, Green Arrow and Supergirl during their stay in Gotham.  Supergirl and Batwoman became fast friends in that one episode, unlike their famous cousins. By the end of the crossover, Batwoman already had a problem that she turned to Oliver Queen for advice.   By the looks of the pilot episode, the series will rewind a bit, setting up a love interest for Kate as well as establishing the relationship with her father.  We’ll know more after the special premiere at SDCCBatwoman will be a part of the Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover.

Batwoman premieres on the CW on Sunday, October 6.


There is so much to look forward to and I hope we get a sneak peek of all of it.  I’m really excited for this year’s crossover, especially with the inclusion of Batwoman.  Of course, the powers that be won’t give away all of their secrets this week at SDCC.  Last year they told us there would not be an Olicity baby and there was.  Geek Girl Authority has got you covered in all things Arrowverse at SDCC.

RELATED: Keep up to date on GGA’s SDCC 2019 Coverage

Caity Lotz Arrowverse Cover. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly
Stephen Amell Arrowverse Cover. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly
Ruby Rose Arrowverse Cover. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly
Melissa Benoist Arrowverse Cover. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly
Grant Gustin Arrowverse Cover. Photo by Carlos Serrao for Entertainment Weekly



Noetta Harjo
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