Fundraisers, friendly competition and fending off squatters — all in a day’s work on Animal Control. Season 3 Episode 4, “Baby Kangaroos and Chickens,” sees Frank and Victoria compete for Fiona’s affection. Meanwhile, Emily takes a hard left on her fundraiser speech, and Patel and Shred encounter something unexpected in the attic of their house.
To celebrate another week of this low-stakes, endearing comedy, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite quotes from “Baby Kangaroos and Chickens.” It’s predominantly Frank/Victoria exchanges. Hey, they had the better dialogue this go-round.
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The Same Boat (Different Ocean)
FRANK: “Are we both not saying what I think we’re not saying?”
VICTORIA: “It does feel like we’re in the same boat.”
FRANK: “A fancy, litigious boat where we both went below deck.”
It all starts with a pair of fancy headphones — that’s how Frank (Joel McHale) and Victoria (Grace Palmer) discover they’re both sleeping with Fiona (Lucy Punch). On a similar note, who knew that boats could be so litigious? I suppose if you are going below deck and said boat is a well-known billionaire…

PATEL: “Who are you? Are you Parasite-ing us?”
Patel’s (Ravi V. Patel) line here elicited a chuckle from me. Although, if I found Josh Segarra roaming about my attic, I’d simply move. It’s his house now.
RELATED: GGA’s Favorite Quotes From Animal Control‘s “Goats, Snakes, and Dogs”
The Big Time
VICTORIA: “Welcome to the Big Time. I hope you can handle yourself.”
FRANK: “Well, I hope you’re ready to sit back and watch me handle myself. … You know what I mean.”
Gotta love awkwardly-worded comebacks that sound blatantly sexual. That’s sitcom magic for you. It’s even better between two characters who clearly have chemistry. Now, whether Animal Control goes there with Frank and Victoria remains to be seen. Admittedly, I’d be content with all these teases from the writers. I love a good mindf*ck.

FRANK: “Unless I get there first and decide to incorporate it into some roleplaying.”
VICTORIA: “Where you’ll be playing your usual role of ‘Less Intimidating Frankenstein?'”
Using a taser in one’s roleplay sounds decidedly not fun unless it’s for Frank’s starring role as Less Intimidating Frankenstein. Surely Victoria means “Frankenstein’s Monster”? You know, if it’s a crack at Frank’s height.
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Cardigan Wine
FIONA: “You both just drank $250 worth of wine.”
FRANK: “I still caught the notes of cardamom.”
VICTORIA: “I tasted the cardigan as well.”
I prefer notes of cardigan in my wine over cardamom, to be honest. It adds a bit more texture.
What are your favorite quotes from Animal Control‘s “Baby Kangaroos and Chickens”? Sound off in the comments below.
Animal Control airs new episodes every Wednesday at 9 pm EST on FOX, with next-day streaming on Hulu.
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