Horror With a Side of Cheese: 3-HEADED SHARK ATTACK

Becca Stalnaker

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A person jumping into a boat from a high altitude with a weapon

Hello, horror lovers! It is time for another edition of Horror With a Side of Cheese. If you are new here, I will explain. I am on a mission to find the cheesiest horror movies to enter the genre. Twice each month, on the first and third Fridays, I come here to talk about my latest find. I rate the films on a scale of one to five cheese slices. Multiple factors go into determining the score. The list includes the story, acting, dialogue, effects and re-watchability. In this edition, I bring you the 2015 gem 3-Headed Shark Attack. Stick around to find out how many cheese slices I gave this film.

About 3-Headed Shark Attack

A mutated shark with three heads attacks a ship. The occupants must fight back with anything they can find to avoid being swallowed by one of the shark’s toothy maws. Can the group outwit the beast, or are they doomed to a bloody fate and a watery grave?

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3-Headed Shark Attack stars Jaason Simmons, Karrueche Tran, Danny Trejo, Rob Van Dam, Jena Sims, Rico Ball, Scott Reynolds, Dawn Hamil and Bob Constance. Jacob Cooney and Bill Hanstock provided the screenplay. Christopher Ray directed the film.

The three headed shark is eating trash

This movie has a 23 percent Audience Score and no Tomatometer Score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Fun Fact: There are several other films in this series. Titles include 2-Headed Shark Attack, 4-Headed Shark attack and 5-Headed Shark Attack.

My Thoughts

I want to start by talking about the story. Simply put, there isn’t much in the way of story and plot. A huge, mutated shark with three independent heads attacks a ship and the people on said ship. As with any movie of this nature, the human characters never believe there is a problem until it is too late. By that point, several people are already dead. By definition, these films are already cheesy and lack a detailed plot.

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Next, I want to get into the acting. With names like Danny Trejo attached, I expected decent performances. However, I did not feel like the efforts met my expectations. I think more than the actors themselves, it had to do with the situations and dialogue they were given. For instance, there is a scene where a character sees a shadow of the shark and proclaims it a whale. In another scene, a character wades out in the water that does not quite hit his knees, yet the shark approaches in the shallow water and remains entirely submerged.

A boat moves through the water

The dialogue is as cheesy as one would expect from a film about a 3-headed shark. The characters talk about the creature as if it is entirely normal. When one of the characters tries to be heroic, some of the best gems come about. If you have not seen 3-Headed Shark Attack, it is worth it just for the crazy lines.

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In terms of effects, I was left laughing. There are several moments when the graphics almost glitch and the close-up scenes with practical FX are not much better. There is almost constant action with shark attacks, and the film is not shy with the blood. If you are a fan of blood and guts horror, you will find some enjoyment with this one.

Finally, re-watchability. While I don’t think this is one of the greatest horror films I have seen, it was cheesy enough that I would consider watching it again. Overall, the film is not great, but it does have its moments, so I am giving it two cheese slices.

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There you have it, horror fans, another cheesy horror movie in the books. Have you seen this one? Let me know in the comments. Also, let me know which film you think should be next on my watch list.

Until next time, stay cheesy, stay spooky, and most importantly, watch more horror movies. Check out the trailer for 3-Headed Shark Attack below, and then watch the film yourself!


Becca Stalnaker
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